Due to the scale of the Humber Bridge, it is essential that load combinations are controlled. Abnormal loads severely exceed the typical load distribution of the bridge, meaning that the concentrated weights created by abnormal loads must be offset with control measures.


An abnormal load is any vehicle with:

  • a weight of more than 44 tonnes/44,000kg;
  • an axle load of more than 10 tonnes/10,000kg for a single non-driving axle and 11.5 tonnes/11,500kg for a single-driving axle;
  • a width of more than 2.9 metres;
  • a rigid length of more than 18.65 metres

Abnormal load vehicles cannot use the Open Road Toll (the ORT, or Tag Lane) without expressed permission from the Humber Bridge Board. Hauliers must use the left-most toll booth (booths one and six) in either direction, which is extra wide.

The canopy within lanes one and six limits the maximum allowable vehicle height to 5.5m.

Please note that due to long-term maintenance works, the current maximum weight limit is 100 tonnes.

Prior to Arrival

Abnormal loads have a duty to inform road authorities of their intended journey. This is commonly known as a movement order. The Humber Bridge’s preferred method of processing abnormal loads is ESDAL (Electronic Service Delivery for Abnormal Loads).

ESDAL contains current restrictions informing those planning movements, what will and will not be acceptable.

Any request submitted via ESDAL which exceeds the current restriction will be rejected and the haulier should make other arrangements.

On Arrival

Hauliers must report to the abnormal load bays at both ends of the bridge (detailed in Escourt Procedures below) and contract the Control Room on 01482 647161.

Hauliers are NOT permitted to proceed across the bridge without relevant inspection of the abnormal load and appropriate documentation. Abnormal loads will be checked against their movement order.



For loads wider or heavier than permitted by The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986the Humber Bridge Board must receive prior notice of the journey.

An indemnity form must also be completed and shown, removing liability from the Humber Bridge for any damage as a result of the journey. Companies provide their own indemnity form and the Humber Bridge do not provide a template.


Vehicles with loads wider than 3.5m (11’6”) or heavier than 44 tonnes/44,000kg must have the authorisation of the police in order to cross the bridge. This will be checked by our Operations Team. If such a vehicle attempts to cross without this authorisation, the guidance of the police will be sought.


In advance of their crossing, the haulier should provide our team with key information regarding their movement. This information includes:

  • Origin and destination of the load
  • Proposed date of the movement
  • Details of the proposed route
  • Details of the load type
  • Length, width, and height of the load
  • Vehicle weight
  • Number of wheels and axles
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Contact details


Vehicles with loads heavier than 44 tonnes must have an escort. The below procedure should be followed:

Northbound: There is an abnormal load layby before the southern approach. Vehicles are to park here and contact the Control team.

Southbound: Loads must report to the wide load toll booth (the leftmost booth). The operative will direct the haulier to wait beyond the toll booths for the escort.


Bulky, lighter loads (such as portable buildings) are vulnerable to crosswinds and gusts. Therefore these vehicles may not be able to cross: information will be provided on our website and social media (Facebook and Twitter) as to the exact restrictions in place.

During high winds, heavier loads over 44 tonnes will be treated as if they are over 75 tonnes and be subject to the same procedures outlined above.


Please note that due to long-term maintenance works, the current maximum weight limit is 100 tonnes.


The key contacts for all Abnormal Load movements on the Humber Bridge are our Control Team, who can be reached on 01482 647161.

Frequently Asked Questions

c Expand All C Collapse All

The Tag Lane is not designed to accommodate abnormal loads. We have an extra-wide toll booth to provide extra capacity. The booth operators also ensure that the correct charge is applied.

Category: Abnormal Loads

The abnormal load fee reflects the logistics, planning, and additional pressure placed on the bridge as a result of an abnormal load crossing. The charge is different depending on the size and weight of the load, and whether the vehicle is crossing during peak or off-peak times.

Category: Abnormal Loads

This would depend on the size of the vehicle and the nature of the load, but we would usually advise a month.

Category: Abnormal Loads

A completed indemnity form indemnifying the Humber Bridge is required to cross the bridge with an abnormal load. This can be done annually or for individual movements. Companies provide their own indemnity form and the Humber Bridge do not provide a template.

Category: Abnormal Loads